Judge a Book by its Cover. There is a growing generation of adults dressing in poor taste. They justify their excessively scantily clad attire and their messy, unkempt fashion with excuses like "Why do you care?", "Don't sexualize my body.", "Why does it matter?", and "It's my body, I will dress how I want." These excuses often leave the older generation exasperated without retort. It is my hope that I can shed some light-on why dressing like a hooker or a homeless POS is against your best interest. Heuristics, Hedonism and Egotism. It takes exactly 0.4 seconds for someone to form an opinion on you. Before you open your mouth, you are filed away into some mental category. That snap judgement of your merit is quick, decisive and often reductive of one's identity. In 0.4 seconds, the opposite party will decide if you are a peer, an enemy, someone to take seriously or someone to blow off. The post-modern ideology is to blatantly...